
Watering Dormant Potted Figs...and Getting it Right so They Survive Winter

By Steven Biggs

How Often to Water Dormant Figs

dormant fig trees in a garage, header image for watering dormant potted figs

Once you protect your dormant, in-ground fig plants for the winter, there’s no need to think about watering them over the winter. Natural precipitation keeps the soil moist enough.

But your potted fig plants might need water.

This post will help you figure out how often to water a dormant fig plant.

Don't Overwater…

When a dormant fig plant gets too much water, the roots might rot.

Knowing when —and whether — to water can be difficult to gauge for new growers.

Here’s how I judge: I stick my finger right into the soil—and if I feel moisture, I don’t water.

Explained another way: Keep the soil on the dry side of moist.

Not Too Dry Either…

dormant fig trees in a garage

Not sure how often to water dormant fig trees? Keep them on the dry side of moist.

But if the soil becomes too dry while the fig plant is dormant, the plant can die.

If the soil feels extremely dry, it’s probably time to water.

Remember: Keep it on the dry side of moist—not bone dry.

You will know the soil is quite dry if it shrinks and is no longer in contact with the edge of the pot.

When potting soil shrinks like this, water goes down the side of the pot instead of soaking into the soil. So before watering, use your fingers to spread out the soil so there is no space for the water to go down the side of the pot.

Is There a Rule for How Often to Water?


When dormant figs are stored somewhere with dry air (e.g. in a cold room in house with forced air heating) they might need occasional watering.

But they might not.

The figs in my garage, where the air is humid, often need no water all winter long.

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Find out what to do if your fig trees wake up early.

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