
Figs and Winter Temperatures

What’s the Hardiness of a Fig Tree in Winter?

Fig plants tolerate more cold than many people realize.

If you're growing fig trees in a cold climate, keep reading. This article tells you what you need to know about fig hardiness and winter temperatures so you can figure out what sort of winter protection (if any) your fig trees need.

If you already have an idea of how hardy fig trees are in your area and just want ideas to get them through the winter, find out more here.

Hardiness Isn’t Exact

Hardiness is never an exact thing.

That's because fig tree hardiness is affected by what's going on with the tree—and it's also affected by the conditions around the fig tree.

The cold hardiness of fig trees is affected by what's going on with the tree:

  • Young trees are more tender than mature trees

  • Fruit and new growth are affected by cold before older, woodier stems

  • If the fig tree is dormant, it can better withstand cold

  • Some fig varieties are more cold-tolerant than others

The conditions the fig tree is exposed to also affect cold hardiness:

  • The duration of cold temperatures

  • How sheltered or exposed the fig tree is

  • How many degrees the temperature drops

  • The timing of extreme cold (e.g., at the end of the night the plant might be soon warmed by sun) 

Find Out How to Grow Your Own Figs

Harvest more figs this year! Grow Figs in Cold Climates Masterclass shows you how to grow a fig tree in a pot, or outside with protection. So you can harvest lots of figs!

So How Much Cold Can Fig Trees Take?

There is no magical number. Some fig plants can take temperatures as cold as -7 to -9°C (15-20°F).

Some colder.

Some not so cold…

If you want to think in terms of zones, you’ll often see the recommendation that figs are hardy into USDA Zone 8. But you can push the growing zone recommendations if you figure out a way to moderate temperature extremes around your fig plant over the winter.

Even if a cold winter causes the top of a fig tree to die back, the roots usually survive and send up new shoots.

Potted Figs: Remember the Root Ball

If you're growing fig trees in containers, it's good to remember that a potted fig tree can't tolerate as much cold as an in-ground fig tree.

That's because the root ball will freeze and thaw more often and more quickly than the soil in the ground.

The main trunk and branches probably have the same cold tolerance.

Things to Think About as you Plan Fig Tree Winter Protection

Here are things to think about as you consider what to do with your fig tree for the winter.

  • Your Zone: How much protection your fig tree needs over winter is affected by your plant hardiness zone.

  • Microclimate: Most gardens have some sort of protected area (called a “microclimate.”)

  • Your Storage Options: Each house and yard is different. I met a Toronto gardener with what he called a “fig cave”. This cave—and underground stairwell between his garage and his house—was a sheltered space he used to store dormant potted fig trees. In some areas, you might not need to store potted figs—and might only need to wrap in-ground fig trees during winter months.

  • Your Budget: There are lots of gadgets… I’ve met gardeners with thermostatically controlled space heaters. Other gardeners keep things simple, using insulating materials.

  • You: The way that you decide to protect your fig over the winter will depend on how much lifting and hauling you want to deal with.

Get ideas to overwinter figs in cold climates.

Find out about fig varieties suited to cold winters.

FAQ: Winter Fig Tree Hardiness

Do figs lose their leaves in winter?


How do you take care of a fig tree indoors in the winter?

In a cold climate, it's easiest to let a potted fig tree go dormant, and then store it somewhere cool and dark for the winter. Find out more ways to overwinter figs in cold climates.

Do figs do well in pots?

The do very well in pots. Here's an article that gives more information about how fig trees grow.

Where is the best place to keep a fig tree in the winter?

There is no best place. It depends on how cold your zone is and what sort of spaces you have for winter protection.

Should I prune my fig before I store it for the winter?

It depends on a few things. Find out more in this Cold-Climate Guide to How to Prune a Fig Tree.


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